Thursday, August 11, 2005

To spank or not to Spank......

Parenting presents new challenges to me all the time, but lately I am struck and stuck on discipline.

I tried the "hey I was hit a lot and hard as a kid and will NEVER do that to my child" approach. But now we present Mr. Sassy Pants.

So we tried the naughty rug. works sometimes (thanks The Nanny).

We tried time out, yeah, YOU try putting a hyper boy in a chair for 5 minutes.

I have spanked, I DO NOT and WILL NOT ever BEAT my child. That is no way to treat a human being (and why I struggle with the whole spanking thing in general).

So, any parenting tips on how to effectively discipline? I know consistency is important and I try to be persistent, and am for the most part, but man there is a LOT of whining and sassing at my house lately.


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