Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Lizards, little boys and the "h" bomb.

The unbelievable happened today, and I have to say, only in my house. I was working at my computer, Sam was falling asleep in his Armadillo Shell (read as couch cushions over his head as he lays on the springs of the couch) and V was resting in the back bedroom. It was quiet, really, for a moment, quiet in my house. Then I saw it, out of the corner of my eye. I thought to myself, "great another mouse in the house". Tennessee is hot and anything with any sense is trying to get into a cooler building. But no, it was not a mouse, couldn't be that simple in my house...it was a lizard. I am so not kidding. It's cute, about 10 inches long tip to tail and it's a fast sucker. It got into the laundry room and under the washer before I could get it. I saw it again later and tried to catch it again but it got behind the pantry. So now I have a lizard in my house.

Back to armadillo boy....he decided not to take a nap today and was vile by 6:30, simply unruly. He did not get his way and screamed ...yes, my innocent beloved angel SCREAMED at me " I hate you. you go away to a meeting out of the house". OUCH. So I did the mommy thing and sent his little throbbing butt (yep, I spanked for that) to bed without supper. Well, I rethought that and he came out and had supper, bribing him to eat with $2 if he would clean his plate ( an easy win for us, if you have a 4 year old, you know what I mean). Well he decides I need to feed him (something I am not proud of but have done for too long) and he pitches a fit again when I tell him no that he is big enough to feed himself. SO the Hate you bomb drops again and again, it's off to bed. He comes out about 30 minutes later (I slipped into his room and dropped a Goodnights pull up on him) freaked out by the pull up and hungry, so I let him have a peanut butter sandwich. He thinks he's gonna get the $2 for that...um nope, that ship has already sailed big guy... and then we have a quiet discussion full of tears about how we don't tell mommy we hate her and wishing she is gone is not a good thing. What if I really left.

So Hubby and I have a loosely devised plan that next time MB has his "hate you" melt down...Mommy is leaving, then and there. DH asks we where I'm going. LOL...wouldn't you like to know. I'm just gonna go for a while to remind MB that mommy here is really a good thing.

Oh...the power of words. It actually hurt (and ticked me off ) that he would say that.


Liz said...

It's tough with these kids sometimes. MM likes for me to feed her to and when I say no, you are a big girl, the drama starts. But since she doesn't eat much at all, I usually give in to the feeding. I'm sorry MB said that to you. MM says some stuff like that sometimes when she is mad and I know it hurts. Hugs!

MommaRia said...

Thanks Liz. They can be harsh can't they. I don't know where he picked that up from, but man does it sting.

THen, we spent the entire night puking (MB, not me, though I was there for the festivities.) I made daddy get the 2 am one so I could at least get 3-/12 hours of sleep.

lachen said...

Ok, see, that is not a lizard. That is a BIG FREAKING LIZARD. I am usually down with all God's creatures, with the extremely notable exception of SPIDERS, but a foot long lizard might just not last long in my house outside of a cage. Methinks some darling boys in that house need to be roped into a nice long lizard hunt.

In fact, maybe you could combine these two activities somehow. Use a bad word, spend 20 minutes on a lizard search? Creative parenting run a bit awry?

Love you and know that the word "HATE" is only as powerful as the respons it evokes and the kindling we add to ignite it.