Monday, November 21, 2005

Bye Bye Byetta

Well, I did it. I had to really. I stopped smootching the lizard. WHAT? It was working. Yes, it was working well. I have lost about 20 pounds now since I started taking the Byetta, but it also had a nasty little side effect for me that did not ever go away or even become manageable, feeling like I had the flu all the time complete with body aches and extreme nausea (and the "other" end problem, if you get my drift). I could not risk it anymore.

"Risk it. What ARE you talking about?" I hear you asking. I did it. I got a new job. I start next week. I will have 3 weeks of training and then get my new shift. The job is apparently highly technical and there is a lot to learn in 3 short weeks, and I can not be missing work literally or figuratively because I zoned out until the nausea passed. Do you know what I mean? I just could not see myself sitting in a training class praying "Please don't puke" or suffering chills etc.

So I emailed my doc and she agreed that I should stop. SO now I can eat more and have to put an effort into NOT eating. I still get full REALLY fast and feel queasy if I eat too much or the 'wrong' things, so I am hopeful. I am also hopeful because I will be working outside of the home and that means set lunch periods in which I can walk around the generous parking lot at the new job, or next door to the Target shopping center or, if it's cold, around the buildings in the work complex. I am even contemplating joining the Y which is just down the street from the new office.

Yes, you heard me right. The job is out of the house. I have had to find daycare for MB. That totally sucks, but I needed a job and I REALLY don't ever want to do medical transcription again. Too unpredictable and, to me, boring. I have a friend with 2 kiddos who will be taking on MB as one of her own during the day too. She's a lot like me, so I am comfortable, sort of, letting MB's hard to let them go. We are also looking into getting him into a Christian school for kindergarten. I think this will help him. He LOVES other kids. He NEEDS other kids. School will be good...I pray anyway. It is hard when they grow up.

I start one week from today. If you are a pray-er, pray for me. This is going to be hard. This will be my first out of the house, 40 hour per week job since MB was born. I'm gonna go through some difficult stuff.

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