Thursday, December 21, 2006

If I could have a do-over

Stealing a post idea from a good friend. (thanks Tracy)

I like the idea of no regrets, only things that "maybe I would have done differently".

My list includes:

Getting married younger. Waiting till 30 was hard. Though sometimes I think I am still not ready to be married and we are 7 years into this thing callled life together.

I would have had children younger and more of them. That harkens back to the first issue. If you "wait" till you are married, as I did, you have to "wait" for the little blessings. I would like to have had more kiddos of my own and been younger to get around with them more.

Study something differen in school. Yeah. You're right momma. I should be a teacher, but really, how do I jump to that track now with the whole family/house/car/dogs/cats etc. Or maybe I should be a doctor, or a nurse...but definately not this claim stuff. I'm bored.

NO dogs in the house...ever. Seriously. If a dog is over 10 pounds, it belongs outside, with it's fleas.

well, really, that's it for now...seriously, I think.


Special K said...

There are many things that I wish that I could have done differently, but I was sent on a different path. I know how you feel.

Merry Christmas to all of you.

Doodlebugs' Mama said...

I'm so with you on the dog thing. Actually, one of my regrets is having pets at all--they're just stinky and messy and I realllly don't have the patience to clean up yet ANOTHER puddle of vomit on my white carpet...(which leads me to my next regret--white carpet!)