Sunday, July 16, 2006

I wish I were still a stay-at-home mom...

I got sick on Friday... It was nasty and very uncomfortable. I even called off work because of me...something I NEVER do. Not only that, but it was an incentive meeting day...the day they hand out certificates, balloons, donuts and (my motivation at work) money. But I missed it. I will still get my balloons, certificates and money, but no donuts (who needs those anyway), but I kind of like the excitement of the incentive meetings. But I was HURTING BIG TIME I stayed home.

Now that I feel somewhat human again (though still queezy and tummy still hurts) MB is puking all over the house. What was lower intestine for me (Thankfully really, I hate puking) MB has upper GI. He started puking while sleeping in my sister's bed (with her permission while she was at work) at 2am. So though I was barely over my tortuous problem, now I have to take care of MB because DH can not handle puke. MB has been vomiting off and on all day, but if you ask him, he feels fine. And he does not have a temperature. This fits me out into torturing myself worrying about rejection as it always does when he gets sick out of nowhere, but I can get him to drink a little and he has eaten a bit without throwing up.

We see his nephrologist on Tuesday. Pray for us that this is just a tummy bug and I got it and because he will never leave me alone, even when I'm sick, probably gave it to him. I pray that is all it is.

The big problem for me is that I have to go to work tomorrow. I know his aunt and daddy will be home with him, but when you are sick you want your ....... mommy.

Man, I wish I could still be a stay-at-home or even work-from-home mom again.


Doodlebugs' Mama said...

I hope your little guy is up and at em soon. I'm glad you're feeling better.


TamWill said...

Sorry to hear that you got the bug going around. I am sure MB will be well soon.

It is a struggle to work and be there, when you know your little one is sick. I feel for you.

Take care and may you all be healed soon.

*** hunzer *** said...

Sending healing vibes to MB. Hugs!

Angela said...

I know what you mean nothing is better than mommy's love when you are sick. I am sure he is fine with dad and auntie, but I hope he feels much better soon.

Liz said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. You had me worried there on Friday! I hope MB is better by now too. Hugs!

Vanessa said...

{{HUGS}} Sorry you guys were so sick! Hope everyone is better now. Love you!

Karmon said...

I hope your feeling better