Wednesday, October 12, 2005

You know what I really really.....

Sarcasm. I am utterly in love with the art form of sarcasm. Did you not know it was an art form? Apparently at my job it is the purest of art forms in the quality assurance department. In fact, I find it so enjoyable I wish, just for once, the QA people at work would bombard me with sarcasm in the face of my faults ( certainly not a personal attack by the loving, kind and helpful people at QA).

No really, they have to be my very personal faults, it's a fact. You know the kind of personal faults which make me incapable of opening a medical dictionary, make me choose, obviously, not to have a medical dictionary or drug guide or the fact that am so stupid I don't know how to USE a dictionary.

I enjoy the kind of sarcasm that tells me in response to my honestly frustrated email (using kind words and not accusing them of being the lovely people they are being) that I spelled something wrong in my email too....

the kind of sarcasm's that tells me I couldn't possibly learn from my mistakes because I made the same one again.

I had forgotten that I was perfect. Did you not realize I was PERFECT in all I type, do and say?
Apparently I forgot I was perfect today and made some mistakes.

How am I repaid for my recent amnesia...I am rewarded by the afternoon off because they are so concerned for my well being and return to perfection that they have forgotten I'm waiting for them to download what they are so graciously allowing me to type.

I can't WAIT to work more for them. I am so enthusiastic at their valuable feedback and honest rapport that I think I will sit here 18 hours a day to type the required 12,500 lines per pay period.


1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Did you know I have my BS in sarcasm? And SoldierJ has his PhD in it!!!!

