Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Good Things.

I am having a sucky day...my life feels as though it is being sucked out of me. So, instead of letting the heaping load of donkey dung I'm being shoveled today get me futher down, I decided I better find some things to be thankful for today to shovel myself out of it all. So, you, without taking a lot of time to think about it, tell me 10 to 15 things you are thankful for today....here is my list.

1. MB is healthy and part of my live.
2. I have a house, a horribly shamefully messy house, but a house.
3. I have a husband who loves me, not necessarily the way I need to be loved, but loves me.
4. I have a job. It sucks right now, but it is a job.
5. There is food in my house. I know where our next meal is coming from.
6. God loves me and is my provider...even though I still struggle with Him for control...He still loves me.
7. I am "healthy" for all intents and purposes compared to others I love and know and those I don't.
8. I have water/power/and Soap with which to clean my messy house.
9. I have friends who love me and want to help when I humble myself enough to admit I need help.
10. There is so much more to this life than the problems I'm having right now.
11. My parents and in-laws are still alive and a phone call away.
12. My friends value my opinions enough to ask them....and advice is always free and hardly ever taken.
13. There is at least a few dollars in the checking account.
14. I have not been tempted beyond anything more common than any other man.
15. I know where I will sleep tonight.
and a bonus for you.
16. If this all ended today I know were I will be, in heaven praising God in person.

There. I feel better already. How bout you?


Style Me Organized said...

i'm sorry you're feeling crummy! i hate hate hate days like that. making a list of the good things in your life is a great idea. i hope you really feel better. i will be thinking of you and sending really happy thoughts.


there, did you feel that? my really happy thoughts?

i'll send them harder.


there! now feel better!


Vanessa said...

{{{{HUGE HUGS}}}}

Sorry you are having a rough time sweetie, but glad you can fid the silver lining with all the things you are grateful for.

So many people take the little things for granted.