Sunday, September 25, 2005

I want my EYES back.....

I want my eyes vision that would be. It all went down Thursday night. MB and I were wrestling on the bed when it was quite, but it was also painful. My glasses broke. Well, not entirely...but a piece snapped off. I quietly and with the adeptness of a total geek taped my glasses together again...until Friday. Friday was the first day of MOPs and (as you may recall) I'm in charge of the kiddos. I think we had about 75 total....and it was CHAOS!!! good chaos, but chaos nonetheless. *sigh*. I don't know when it happened, but at some point I noticed my glasses were uncomfortably PINCHING me in the face. Yup, broken again and now the taped in piece is GONE.

So I am forced to wear my contacts.

I hear you... what is wrong with contacts? You paid a lot of money for those, you should wear them. Sure, both good points and there is NOTHING wrong with contacts, for most people that is. They, however, HURT my eyes. In fact, I generally get migraine headaches when I wear my contacts. Thank goodness this time it's just the "I feel like I have big crusty blocks of sand and salt in my eyes" sensation and my vision is fine with the contacts. I, however, want my glasses back.

I don't want to have to poke myself in the eye twice a day to take out and put in lenses.
I don't want to stumble around the house at night because I can't see the blocks on the floor in the dark without my glasses and I can't sleep with lenses in.
I don't want to hear MB tell me "mommy, where are your lenses. I can't SEE your glasses. I don't have to wear mine???"
I don't want to poke myself in the eye to prove to said MB that YES mommy does have her glasses on...but you can't see them because they are ON my eyes.

I want my glasses back. I think we will call the optho in the morning and see how soon we can get it.

Oh and hunny, I know you WANT your contacts again so I will call for an appointment for you too.

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